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Sunday, April 12, 2015

0 SS Warning - (3) Forex choices!

"Forex May Be The Only Market To Save Your
Retirement- Lou Lu will show you how."

I heard another radio debate over Social Security's demise. All were in agreement, and acknowledged the agency's prediction that it will only be able to fully fund retirees until 2033.

2033 is just a few years from now. How much money are you prepared to do without in 2033?  If your answer is "I need every penny!" Learn how you could make up the difference here. 

Wherever you live, if you're in retirement now, or will be within the next 20 years, you need a back-up plan. Do you have one?

Forex, dwindling retirement accounts, and results-driven proof all converged in my head, and I realized that we may have had the solution to each of our retirement worries all along.

Social Security won’t disappear but will only be able to fund retirees at 77% of expected levels, according to the SSA’s 2014 report.  Why put your faith in a system whose diminishing returns are a fact?

Forex + Simple, Consistent System = Cold, Hard Cash is another fact.
3 choices you must analyze - which one fits your personality?
All choices are for the lower time frames!

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Forex Basics - Begin Here!

The Foreign Exchange (often abbreviated as Forex or FX) market is the largest market in the world with daily trading volume of over 1.9 $trillion in September 2004*. With its high liquidity, low transaction cost and low entry barrier, the 24-hour market has attracted investors around the world. Click HERE to learn more!!